david 发表于 2019-8-29 15:55:20

VDE Certification Marks

The following certification marks and attestations are available after positive testing of your products by the VDE Institute:
Certification with VDE Certification Marks (Marks Approval)
VDE MarkElectro-technical products including products according to the Product Safety Act (ProdSG) and medical products according to the Medical Product Act (MPG)according to VDE/EN/IEC standards, other technical specifications as well as possible provisions of law with respect to safety and health requirements
VDE GS Mark (up to 20mm in height)VDE-GS Mark (over 20mm in height)Technical working equipment and commodities ready for use, in the sense of ProdSG (optional for such products instead of VDE Mark)
according to VDE/EN/IEC standards, other technical specifications as well as possible provisions of law with respect to safety and health requirements
VDE Cable MarkCables and insulated cords as well as conduits and ducts
according to VDE/EN/HD/IEC standards, other technical specifications as well as possible provisions of law with respect to safety and health requirements
VDE Identification ThreadCables and insulated cords
according to VDE/EN/HD/IEC standards, other technical specifications as well as possible provisions of law with respect to safety and health requirements
VDE HARmonization MarkingCables and insulated cords according to the HAR certification procedure
on the basis of EN/HD standards and specifications of the HAR procedure
VDE HARmonization ThreadCables and insulated cords according to the HAR certification procedure
on the basis of EN/HD standards and specifications of the HAR procedure
VDE EMC MarkElectro-technical products complying with the standards for electromagnetic compatibility

on the basis of VDE/EN/IEC/CISPR standards and other technical specifications

ENEC Mark of the VDEProducts according to the ENEC certification procedure

on the basis of EN standards and specifications of the ENEC procedure
VDE ENEC+ MarkPerformance characteristics of
Products according to the
ENEC+ certification procedure
on the basis of EN standards and specifications of the ENEC procedure

IECQ CECC MarkElectronic components according to the IECQ procedure
on the basis of IEC standards, IECQ/CECC specifications
KEYMARKPerformance characteristics of Head Pumps
based on EN standards and specification of the KEYMARK procedure
Certification with VDE Registration Number
VDE Registration NumberCertificate of Conformity in conjunction with factory surveillance for electro-technical products
according to VDE/EN/IEC standards, other technical specifications as well as possible provisions of law with respect to safety and health requirements
Quality evaluation of electronic components on basis of VDE/EN/IEC standards and other technical regulations

VDE Registration NumberCertificate of Conformity in conjunction with factory surveillance for electro-technical products

according to VDE/EN/IEC standards, other technical specifications as well as possible provisions of law with respect to safety and health requirements

Quality evaluation of electronic components on basis of VDE/EN/IEC standards and other technical regulations

VDE Registration Number Certificate of Conformity in conjunction with factory surveillance for electro-technical products
according to VDE/EN/IEC standards, other technical specifications as well as possible provisions of law with respect to safety and health requirements
Quality evaluation of electronic components on basis of VDE/EN/IEC standards and other technical regulations

VDE Registration NumberFor cables and insulated Cords as well asconduits and ducts
Additional Certifications
System CertificateProcess Certification
based on relevant Standards, laws and special specifications
VDE Quality Tested (example)Usability of electro-technical products
on the basis of relevant EU Directives, laws, standards and special specifications
Special Certificates (example)
Proof of special product attributes
on basis of relevant EU Directives, laws, standards and special specifications
Conformity attestations for EC Declaration of Conformity and CE markingCE marking is a condition for the initial marketing of a product in the European Economic Area. This mandatory marking is applicable to many products. The manufacturer must declare conformity with relevant EC Directives and subsequently affix CE marking on the product or the accompanying documentation. In order to support our clients in this context, we automatically provide together with the VDE Marks Licence Certificate - where applicable - documentation relevant to CE marking and a ready-to-sign EC Declaration of Conformity as required by the manufacturer or his authorized representative.
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